Monday, September 21, 2009

Transportation & Rides

  • Parking for the conference is relatively easy. There is a parking garage just a couple doors up King Street from the Francis Marion Hotel. I've yet to find it full. I usually end up paying less than $10/day.It's parking garage number 6 on the map of garages at
  • Those of you without cars should let the rest of us know so we can work together to get you where you need to be.
  • If you wish to car pool, need a ride, or can give a ride, use the comments to this post as a "ride board."
  • We will also use the comments to see about picking up students who are coming by air.

1 comment:

  1. I can give 3 people rides to and from the conference, leaving Columbia Wednesday mid-morning and returning Saturday afternoon.

    I have a tentative reservation for one of the three.
